A shot of me last night after a fantastic dinner with my and Cait's family that we hosted. I am wearing a vintage 1950s sundress from Gretchen. I got my hair cut a few days before christmas and I love it!
So 2009 is over, and 2010 has started, bringing with it many things to ponder. I very rarely write/blog/what have you anymore, but I think it may be a good thing for me to do. Especially considering all of the thoughts occupying my mind as of late.
Where to begin? Last year was quite a year. Bullet list of topics/thoughts:
- First year of college completed successfully. Second year started, not so successful at half way point
- New job at LDC of U Penn (still at the cafe as well)
- Realized who my real friends are and started phasing others out of my life
- Lots of trips to New York, hanging out with Carla, and all those amazing Dances of Vice Events
- Saw some of the best shows of my life: Franz Ferdinand, Mischief Brew, and the big one: Gogol Bordello
- Failed a class for the first time ever. I am still bitter, confused, and upset at myself over this
- Discovered a real love for fashion illustration
- Became even more active, working out when I could
- Became a total foodie and a brunch addict especially
It was my first year as a college student. That in itself has brought on so many changes, challenges, and adventures. Being a freshman was fine. Nothing was really as hard as I made it seem at the time. I learned a lot about myself and my friends. I tried to be a bit more social, while at the same time only per suing friendships I knew were real and lasting. I became really close to a few people, and they have helped me make through all of the crazy things that happened over the year.
The summer was fine, minus the tragedies that seemed to surround those I care about. One in particular was very tough. Despite this, many good things happened around these instances and over the summer in general. I worked a lot.
The fall and end of the year was tough. The semester nearly killed me, and I failed my most important class. I am not happy with myself and I am questioning everything.
So enough of this kind of thinking. I've decided to make some changes for this year.
- I have decided to fully become a Vegetarian. I ate a mainly vegetarian diet before, but I want to take it a step further. I am doing it for my health and for my beliefs. I am not just upset by animal cruelty, but by the way animals are raised, processed, and sold to consumers. We are not eating what we think we are. We are not tasting what meat should taste like. The factory farming industry, all of it... it scares me and has pushed me in this direction. Anyway, it will be difficult, but possible. My family isn't vegetarian and are a little bit thrown off by my decision. I have to also over come my own challenges. I like some meat dishes; I love food and tasting new things. Also, there is the cultural significance of certain foods and meals. I think I will still eat some fish and make exceptions for certain dishes. This may seem like a half-assed approach, but I am doing this for me and no one else.
- As a part of being healthy, I want to work out more. I did all summer at home and it was great. My dad joined the gym and I have been going with him over the break. I also have access to my school's gym, which is great. Not only do I want to work out for my physical health, but for my own sanity. It really helps to work out all the aggression and frustration and stress. I was in a horrible mood the other day, and I felt on the verge of tears all day for no apparent reason. So I left work early and went to the gym with my dad. After some vigorous exercise I felt great and my mind was at ease. I have to keep up with it and hopefully it will help me stay in control this year.
- I need to read more. I hadn't read much throughout my first year of college, which was huge change for me. I've always been a big reader. I've been doing more reading since the summer and throughout the fall. I take public trans, so why shouldn't I read? I'm currently working my way through the Dexter series and Jonathan Safran Foer's books.
- I want to join more activities/clubs/find a hobby. I would love to take up ballet again, but I am also looking into swing dancing.
- I want to educate myself more on: global issues, current events, ideologies, different cultures, languages
- I need to start really saving up for my semester abroad in London. It is the only thing keeping me going through school and work.
- I want to learn to cook more. Becoming a vegetarian has helped fuel my desire to cook. i also set a challenge for my family: at least one brand new dish made a week.
I am sure there are other things I want to blather on about, but I'm going to go relax and get some sleep. Tomorrow is my last day of winter break and I am going to enjoy the hell out of it.
Oh, and just so this post is a bit more interesting:

A great shot from the Gogol Bordello show in NYC on December 29, 2009. Yes, I love this band and I love Eugene Hutz. That is all I will say about that for now.
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