Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011: A sick day

I stayed home sick today, so I decided to catch up on my internship documents and watch a movie. At the suggestion of my good friend Sandra, who is a huge Kubrick fan, I decided to pop on 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was blown away. I spent some time staring at the screen after the film was over, trying to process the story and figure it out. I think it needs a second viewing. In any case, the visuals were amazing. The effects were ahead of their time, the style of the entire film was just wonderful, and it was quite inspiring. I've been collecting sources of inspiration as always, and I need to get working on a menswear collection for a scholarship competition, so it's much needed. I know I'm a little late on this movie, but it's better late than never. I am trying to catch up on movies while I have some time, and this was first on my list.

So now, some images from the film.

The music was great too. I can see why it's considered a masterpiece. It was really cinematic, it made me think, and it was beautiful. A bit slow moving, but it worked for the film. I loved the set designs and the space suits. Also, the camera work in the zero-gravity parts was awesome. Oh, and I may have developed a bit of a thing for Keir Dullea. It's those eyes. Look, I don't get out much, and I'm sick and alone. Okay?

And, related, a retro ad from plan59.com, which is a pretty awesome site.

Coming up soon: more fashion illustration work! I will most likely be home again tomorrow, so I may be able to work on some sketches. We'll see. Or maybe I'll just watch the film again...

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